A type of creature that star in the Commodore 64 games Creatures and Creatures 2. Formally known as Blotians (named after the planet they lived on known as Blot), Fuzzy Wuzzies renamed themselves in search of real hipness.

You received a free Fuzzy when you bought Creatures (it was one of those cheap fluff balls with a sticky bit on the bottom). Along with it, you got a 'Care For Your Fuzzy Wuzzy Guide'.

By purchasing and opening Creatures, you automatically adopted a Fuzzy. It thinks of you as Mummy, because, as far as it knows, you gave birth to it when you opened the packaging. You are free to name it what you like - but be warned, historical records have proven that Fuzzy Wuzzies named Mildred get quite annoyed.

Unfortunately, there is no way to clearly sex a Fuzzy Wuzzy. The best guideline is as follows: if it gives birth to a litter it's female, if it doesn't, it's male.

No food on earth has proven suitable for the Fuzzy Wuzzies' digestive tract. Go on, try something, anything. Place it next to a dish or something. It'll just sit there and stare at it until the dish is removed.

Fuzzy Wuzzies love being taken on very long walks in the countryside. However, they only enjoy this activity when being carried.

As Fuzzy Wuzzies will remain stationary for most of their natural lives, the grooming necessary is the occasional flick with a feather duster. This activity is also highly stimulating for Fuzzy Wuzzies.

Your Fuzzy Wuzzy can be taught many appealing tricks as it grows. Leaping through hoops is a speciality, this it may require some encouragement from behind.

Beware placing sausages (cooked, fresh or frozen) in front of your Fuzzy Wuzzy as it thinks sausages are natural enemies and will attempt to outstare it.

There's one rule you must follow above all others: Never, never ever, allow a Fuzzy Wuzzy to get wet. It can't swim.

And now you know...