In yr 12, everybody turns 18. Well, except those that are already 18. Or those that won't turn 18 until the February or March the next year.

I've been invited to five 18th birthday celebrations. I have only been to one. I have only been able to go to one. Today I have put up with the agonising and painful post-mortem of the one on Saturday night. I was working that night and decided not to take it off.

Why did I decide not to take it off? Because I thought that it would all be teenagers with too much booze and crappy music. Plus, I wouldn't have been able to drink. The legal drinking age is 18, and out in public, I'm considered a minor. Painfully, I am five months away from turning 18 myself.

Why am I feeling like shit today? Because people had fun there.

I've realised that I'm not afraid to knock back a party, but I am afraid to hear about it on the Monday.

I'm a coward.