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Compound data types are built by combining values from other data types in structured ways.

2.2.1  Strings

Strings are sequences of characters (not to be confused with symbols, which are simple data that have a sequence of characters as their name). You can specify strings by enclosing the constituent characters in double-quotes. Strings evaluate to themselves.

"Hello, World!"
=> "Hello, World!"

The procedure string takes a bunch of characters and returns the string made from them:

(string #\h #\e #\l #\l #\o)
=> "hello"

Let us now define a global variable greeting.

(define greeting "Hello; Hello!")

Note that a semicolon inside a string datum does not trigger a comment.

The characters in a given string can be individually accessed and modified. The procedure string-ref takes a string and a (0-based) index, and returns the character at that index:

(string-ref greeting 0)
=> #\H

The procedure string-set! replaces the character at an index:

(string-set! greeting 1 #\a)

=> "Hallo; Hello!"

New strings can be created by appending other strings:

(string-append "E "
               "Pluribus "
=> "E Pluribus Unum"

You can make a string of a specified length, and fill it with string-set! later.

(define a-3-char-long-string (make-string 3))

The predicate for checking stringness is string?.

2.2.2  Vectors

Vectors are sequences like strings, but their elements can be anything, not just characters. Indeed, the elements can be vectors themselves, which is a good way to generate multidimensional vectors.

Here's a way to create a vector of the first five integers:

(vector 0 1 2 3 4)
=> #(0 1 2 3 4)

Note Scheme's representation of a vector value: a # character followed by the vector's contents enclosed in parentheses.

In analogy with make-string, the procedure make-vector makes a vector of a specific length:

(define v (make-vector 5))

The procedures vector-ref and vector-set! access and modify vector elements. The predicate for checking if something is a vector is vector?.

2.2.3  Dotted pairs and lists

A dotted pair is a compound value made by combining any two arbitrary values into an ordered couple. The first element is called the car, the second element is called the cdr, and the combining procedure is cons.

(cons 1 #t)
=> (1 . #t)

Dotted pairs are not self-evaluating, and so to specify them directly as data (ie, without producing them via a cons-call), one must explicitly quote them:

'(1 . #t) => (1 . #t)

(1 . #t)  -->ERROR!!!

The accessor procedures are car and cdr:

(define x (cons 1 #t))

(car x)
=> 1

(cdr x)
=> #t

The elements of a dotted pair can be replaced by the mutator procedures set-car! and set-cdr!:

(set-car! x 2)

(set-cdr! x #f)

=> (2 . #f)

Dotted pairs can contain other dotted pairs.

(define y (cons (cons 1 2) 3))

=> ((1 . 2) . 3)

The car of the car of this list is 1. The cdr of the car of this list is 2. Ie,

(car (car y))
=> 1

(cdr (car y))
=> 2

Scheme provides procedure abbreviations for cascaded compositions of the car and cdr procedures. Thus, caar stands for ``car of car of'', and cdar stands for ``cdr of car of'', etc.

(caar y)
=> 1

(cdar y)
=> 2

c...r-style abbreviations for upto four cascades are guaranteed to exist. Thus, cadr, cdadr, and cdaddr are all valid. cdadadr might be pushing it.

When nested dotting occurs along the second element, Scheme uses a special notation to represent the resulting expression:

(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 5))))
=> (1 2 3 4 . 5)

Ie, (1 2 3 4 . 5) is an abbreviation for (1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . 5)))). The last cdr of this expression is 5.

Scheme provides a further abbreviation if the last cdr is a special object called the empty list, which is represented by the expression (). The empty list is not considered self-evaluating, and so one should quote it when supplying it as a value in a program:

'() => ()

The abbreviation for a dotted pair of the form (1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . ())))) is

(1 2 3 4)

This special kind of nested dotted pair is called a list. This particular list is four elements long. It could have been created by saying

(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 '()))))

but Scheme provides a procedure called list that makes list creation more convenient. list takes any number of arguments and returns the list containing them:

(list 1 2 3 4)
=> (1 2 3 4)

Indeed, if we know all the elements of a list, we can use quote to specify the list:

'(1 2 3 4)
=> (1 2 3 4)

List elements can be accessed by index.

(define y (list 1 2 3 4))

(list-ref y 0) => 1
(list-ref y 3) => 4

(list-tail y 1) => (2 3 4)
(list-tail y 3) => (4)

list-tail returns the tail of the list starting from the given index.

The predicates pair?, list?, and null? check if their argument is a dotted pair, list, or the empty list, respectively:

(pair? '(1 . 2)) => #t
(pair? '(1 2))   => #t
(pair? '())      => #f
(list? '())      => #t
(null? '())      => #t
(list? '(1 2))   => #t
(list? '(1 . 2)) => #f
(null? '(1 2))   => #f
(null? '(1 . 2)) => #f

2.2.4  Conversions between data types

Scheme offers many procedures for converting among the data types. We already know how to convert between the character cases using char-downcase and char-upcase. Characters can be converted into integers using char->integer, and integers can be converted into characters using integer->char. (The integer corresponding to a character is usually its ascii code.)

(char->integer #\d) => 100
(integer->char 50)  => #\2

Strings can be converted into the corresponding list of characters.

(string->list "hello") => (#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o)

Other conversion procedures in the same vein are list->string, vector->list, and list->vector.

Numbers can be converted to strings:

(number->string 16) => "16"

Strings can be converted to numbers. If the string corresponds to no number, #f is returned.

(string->number "16")
=> 16

(string->number "Am I a hot number?")
=> #f

string->number takes an optional second argument, the radix.

(string->number "16" 8) => 14

because 16 in base 8 is the number fourteen.

Symbols can be converted to strings, and vice versa:

(symbol->string 'symbol)
=> "symbol"

(string->symbol "string")
=> string

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