This is a fictional writing project based on an idea that I came up with almost 20 years ago. Based on some of the feedback I've gotten, E2 might not be the proper place to propose such a project, but here goes:

This is something I'm proposing for a group of creative and intelligent writers and artists to COLLABORATE on together. That we create together here on E2 (or somewhere else, if this is not an appropriate venue for it--I don't know yet; I am very new here).

I have posted one entry for the Multiversal Collaborapedia on E2 already: blaerto. That's an example of what I am proposing here as one of the entries in the Multiversal Collaborapedia...

The Multiversal Collaborapedia is an evolving encyclopedia synergistically being developed by representatives of the collective wisdom of all intelligence species making up the Multiverse. Think The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy crossed with the Akashic Records.

In addition to encyclopedic knowledge, the Multiversal Collaborapedia may include information more often associated with other works, such as almanacs, gazetteers, newspapers, media broadcasts, neutrino circles, wormhole blasts, etc.

Start a new Collaborapedia entry or add to an existing one. In the subject line, describe the Collaborapedia entry name. Then start the entry off in the body of the message. Entries are always subject to annotation and elaboration, so no entry is ever considered "finished."

Try to stay free of your own species-oriented and local spacetime prejudices. The Multiverse is a BIG place, with lots happening in it.

As in all such gatherings of knowledge, frivolity and deception can proliferate as easily as truth here. Therefore, it is up to us all as readers/contributors to keep a sharp eye (antenna?) out for ignorant or biased contributions. Bring these to the attention of the node creator. Good grammar and punctuation is highly encouraged.