Today was great. I feel extremely good right now. Even though i'm having mind games played against me constantly by a certain person I still feel good. I only go along with her head games so she doesn't get sad that they don't work. I can generally tell when she's paranoid or hiding a smile now. It took me awhile but I can once again read facial expressions. She is a good actress but not good enough, yet.

I can't really blame her. I only recently realized that I had been playing mind games against her. I just about died when I figured out what I was doing. To me it just seemed like a bunch of kind gestures, funny comments. Everything was interprted as a mind game and I kept on doing it and didn't realize how it.

I finally got the the point where I can tell my brain how to be. Basically I can't become depressed, bored, lazy unless I want to or i'm sick. I find it to hard to keep on track when i'm ill. Ah well, it's a good day now, my brain shut off enough that I could just laugh today and now as I sit here noding i feel good, my mind is clear and my body relaxed. Pleasent, calm, cool......