DAMNIT! I woke up late for work again today.

It seems that every single time I seem to get into a nice routine of sleeping and waking so that I do not miss my scheduled in-time of noon, I do this. What the hell? Is it the hydrocodone kicking me down? What is it?

Well, actually, It's a little something called routine, boys and girls. You see, with some people, having a norm creates an unusual comfort zone, and they begin to relax on what they SHOULD be paying attention to. This is apparently what is wrong with me.

Aside from that, after strolling into work in my BDU's forty-five minutes late, I sit down and begin to finalize my code. Yummy VBScript. My boss has been pressuring me to get this done so that we can "roadshow" it to the CEO's office in Austin. Now that it's in 'Complete v1.0' status, we're ready to do so. Now, the real problem is, what to do with my time..

I've thought about starting myself a new project, so that I can stay out of the queue. Nothing to work on. I've thought about getting back into the queue. I've forgotten most of what I knew on the hardware side, and been surpassed for training on the new equipment because I'm seen as a coder. I've even thought about doing nothing but sitting here on E2 all day and noding. Not a very career-advancing move. My final resolution for what to do with my time today, was to sit down with my new data cable for my Nextel phone, and reprogram it. New Java games, new applications, new....DAMN out of memory.

Also, NOL was called today, because the same programming cable can be used to turn my phone into a modem. After they realized that they "forgot" to provision my phone for data line services, we spent the next three hours setting up Nextel's dialer app to allow me to dial-up to the ISP of my choice.

All in all, a very productive day for me personally, but I'm not quite sure how my company would react if they found out how I used my time.

BTW, I'm still at work, wasting away precious time while writing this. tee-hee-hee!