Wand-wavers rejoice in one-word, simplistic solutions: Marriage, College, a Job, a New Job, Religion, Therapy, Drugs, Recovery, etc. If only they (or you) could get married, go back to school, get a (new) job, get the right meds, a (new) therapist, went into detox, etc, then suddenly, magically, everything would be All Right: their zits would clear, the sky would turn a brilliant azure, and the bluebird of happiness would lay an egg in their beer. They'd never ever have to worry about a thing again, and the world (or their little part of it) would be stress-free.


There's always some problem with doing it. It's too complicated for their little minds to fathom that getting into college, for instance, means that you don't just walk into the nearest, cheapest community college, sign up at the door, and walk away four years later with a diploma. The notion of applying to several colleges, budgeting time and money for the effort, thinking about a major, getting an advisor, etc. etc. isn't in their minds. They simply see the word "college", visualize a diploma in their hands, and figure that simply getting worked up enough to fill out the application will translate to Summa Cum Laude from Harvard, with a guaranteed entry into a prestigious corporate position.

A real wand-waver will turn the slightest action into a life-or-death, do-or-die, this-is-the-big-one, situation that will inevitably lead to unlimited joy and happiness, or else....
Else isn't explained, but it certainly seems suicidal.

Unfortunately, when the unlimited joy doesn't emerge, the plan is deemed completely worthless. They screwed up, or more likely, YOU screwed up, and they want YOU to make it right for them. They'll feel worthless, and make you feel just as worthless.

Until the next plan...