from the SparkMatch Registry:

Flirty, sensual, and powerful. Like the female fox that is your namesake, you make the men chase you, and yet you enjoy getting caught in your naughty game. You beguile your conquerors for a moment, and just when they think they have you for good, you're gone again. What's that red thing caught on your stiletto heel? Oh, it's just a piece of someone's heart. Squirt.

Your wild streak runs from head to tail like a stripe of fire. Finding someone to run with you as an equal will be hard, but for right now, having a completely worth-while companion isn't so important. Your animal instincts are *well* developed and you're not ready to be cooped up. People who get too close are in extreme danger of emotional mauling. You're looking for something temporary and physical. And it damn well better be good.

You're honest about your sexual desires, but your gender can complicate that. If you were a man you'd be the lady-killer who's got the guys in awe. Unfortunately, since you're a woman, people will call you a slut. But you know what Huckem says... fuck 'em.

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