This gambling town on the Nevada-Idaho border, right on Highway 93, is the closest source of casinos for most people living in Idaho, and is a favorite place for people in a gambling mood from Idaho Falls and Pocatello to visit.

Once you've seen one Nevada casino, you've pretty much seen them all: gambling (and free booze while you're engaged in that activity), cheap hotels and buffet (not quite as nice as in Las Vegas, but I've always been happy with Jackpot's Holiday Inn Express)...and even some entertainment (however, this is pretty limited in Jackpot, but hey, I came to drink and play cards).

Two nice things (other than its northern location) about Jackpot that are advantages over, say, Las Vegas are the relative lack of crowds, and the easy availability of one-deck blackjack games, with fairly low minimum bets. And these casinos are still big enough to be clean, well-lit, and (as much as a casino can be) honest.