My twin brother and I are nothing alike. He's a deranged genius with no sense of social responsibility. I'm no angel, but you really have to consider the possible repercussions of your actions.

For example - I dropped by his apartment one evening to borrow a few tools, and I found him sitting in rapt contemplation of a fallen picture. It was one of his favorites but it was lying face-down on the floor. Still, he was staring at it and muttering something. The only bit I caught was "...piezoelectric..." You can't deal with him when he's like that, so I just grabbed what I needed and took off. I'd come back in sixty or seventy hours and make sure he'd slept or at least had some water. Little did I know how many hearts would be broken before the end.

The genius of the thing was how cheap and simple it was. The small mat measured force. The free software could easily calculate frequency via the timestamps on the force readings. The plans were available online - you could but it pre-made or put together your own. It would attach either directly to a computer, or to a "mobility pack" that allowed it to operate by itself. Later, an interface with most common GPS units, so you could prove not just how hard and fast, but precisely where.

It swept over America like a blanket. You can still go back and see the dips and jumps in various graphs, most of them where you'd expect. Productivity, down. Pregnancies, up. Sales of flameproof sheets, way up. Towards the end, even he realized the deleterious effect it was having on society. The obsession, the endless striving to beat your buddy's high score. Obscene exercise equipment at obscene prices. Truly spectacular 911 calls. He sent out a five word e-mail to all of his customers, but the only responses were complaints on word selection by hippies. Everyone else was too busy to pay attention.

When they finally caught up with him, the charges were numerous. Affront to public decency, marketing unsafe electronics, possession of a stolen shovel. But it's OK. I know exactly how we're going to pay for his legal defense. I had this great idea at a party. It's perfectly safe. Here's the plan. Imagine a little device that updates twitter with your BAC every 15 minutes...