May 10, 2000 | May 11, 2000 | May 12, 2000

Everything Statistics

Statistics               stats   wa7   inc  l_stats l_wa7
Total Number of Nodes:  505289  1786  2123   503166  1730
Total Number of Users:   14335    43    33    14302    45
Total Number of Links: 1395121 19250 22069  1373052 18780
Current node_id:        541044  1896  2239   538805  1839

Everything's Best Users

Users                  XP wa7 inc   l_XP l_wa7
Pseudo_Intellectual 10242 184 132  10110 193
jessicapierce        9862 116 223   9639  98
dem bones            9855 117 262   9593  93
pukesick             7027 124 119   6908 125
DMan                 6475 214 214   6261 214
Saige                6471 144 169   6302 140

Server time: 03:18 Thu May 11 2000 
Your fellow noders (37)

l_ = last (previous) value
inc = increase in stats value
wa7 = ((stats + (6 * l_wa7))/7) = weighted average with denominator 7

Now I use "wa7" instead of earlier "wa2" (that I previously called "c-ca"). Thanks to /dev/joe for help regarding weighted average. In short this "wa7" smoothen value over about 7 days period. Sorry, the updated stats is a bit late today because of this. (more)

Still Waiting for Everything Snapshot and reply to /msg and email from JeffMagnus.

To node ...