<< week | June 8, 2000 | June 9, 2000 | June 10, 2000 | week >>

Everything's Best Users Snapshot

   #   Users                   XP  wa7  inc Level   l_XP l_wa7
   1   Pseudo_Intellectual  13795  110   38    10  13757  122
   2   jessicapierce        11829   98  185    10  11644   83
   3   dem bones            11357   44   37    10  11320   45
   4   DMan                 10893  163  130     9  10763  168
   5   pukesick              8882   37   17    10   8865   40
   6   Saige                 8815  101  156    10   8659   92
   7   Segnbora-t            8689  121   37    10   8652  135
   8   Deborah909            7001   68   41     9   6960   72
   9   N-Wing                6448   81    1     9   6447   94
  10   JeffMagnus            6258   27   27     9   6231   27
  11   pingouin              6254   29   29     9   6225   29
  12   tregoweth             6228   29   29     9   6199   29
  13   knifegirl             6125    3    3     9   6122    3
  14   yossarian             6094   18   18     9   6076   18
  15   ModernAngel           6074    7    7     9   6067    7
  16   Jet-Poop              5635  126  126     9   5509  126
  17   Lometa                5561   83   83     9   5478   83
  18 * ideath                5502  120  120     7   5382  120
  19 - General Wesc          5486   37   37     9   5449   37
  20 - hoopy_frood           5473   27   27     8   5446   27
  21 * dannye                5444  145  145     8   5299  145
  22 - sensei                5409   64   64     7   5345   64
  23 * Tem42                 5358  102  102     8   5256  102
  24 - novalis               5324    1    1     9   5323    1
  25   bozon                 5240    9    9     9   5231    9
  26   moJoe                 5204   48   48     9   5156   48
  27   /dev/joe              5033   73   73     8   4960   73
  28   nine9                 4441    8    8     9   4433    8
  29   Asamoth               4429   90   90     8   4339   90
  30   Sarcasmo              4240    2    2     8   4238    2
  31   alex.tan              4194   76   76     7   4118   76
  32   yam                   4117   20   20     7   4097   20
  33   ariels                3962    4    4     7   3958    4
  34   juliet                3830   64   64     8   3766   64
  35 * Uberfetus             3633   35   35     5   3598   35
  36 - Sylvar                3615    0    0     7   3615    0
  37   knarph                3512    4    4     8   3508    4
  38 * Templeton             3512   74   74     5   3438   74
  39 - kessenich             3505   13   13     8   3492   13
  40   RockLobster           3485   79   71     8   3414   80
  41   Quizro                3410   48   14     8   3396   54
  42   Woundweavr            3351   13    3     8   3348   15
  43   discofever            3332    3    2     7   3330    3
  44 * bitter_engineer       3323   23   38     7   3285   20
  45 - CaptainSpam           3313    3    9     8   3304    2
  46   sabre23t              3256   59   57     6   3199   59
  47   ailie                 3208   17   30     7   3178   15
  48   Lord Brawl            3079   11   12     8   3067   11
  49   artfuldodger          3018   22    1     6   3017   26
  50   Xamot                 2906   11   13     7   2893   11
  51   hatless               2876    9   27     7   2849    6
   *   EBU #51               2876   31   27     *   2849   32

Server time: 01:57 Fri Jun 9 2000 TZ +0100 not UTC since May 26, 2000

* = users rising up in the EBU; - = users falling down in the EBU
l_ = last (previous) value; inc = increase in stats value
wa7 = ((stats + (6 * l_wa7))/7) = weighted average with denominator 7

sabre23t: Random Nodes

I've spent most of the morning today rewriting my spreadsheet for the EBU Snapshot to be less labour intensive. Now, down to ...

  1. Get node Everything's Best Users
  2. Copy & paste server time
  3. Copy & paste EBU, all 51 users
  4. Copy & paste old l_XP and l_wa7
  5. Generate text.prn from Excel
  6. Copy & paste into appropriate Everything Day Logs

Still quite a number of manual steps. It'll have to do until I'm able to rewrite it in Perl5 to autonode directly on to E2. Or may be even get Perl5 to autonode and drive Excel via automation.

Excel's ability to understand copy & pasted HTML table tags was nice, and VLookup ability to search for exact match from unsorted list was useful too. However, have to use work around of printing to "Generic/Text" printer to get fixed column output without tabs from Excel.

sabre23t: Nodes to node