Ergates the Ant

Ergates (pronounced phonetically, "er-gayts") was a female ant in the book Feersum Endjinn, by Iain M. Banks. She befriends Bascule shortly before being carried off by a giant bird, causing Bascule to set out on a quest to find her. Her role is an important one; carrying the message which awakens the tower systems, allowing the Asura and Gadfium to reach the upper levels, and ultimately save the planet.

Ergates, the place

Ergates, Cyprus (Latitude 35.0542, Longitude 33.2458) is a small town in the heart of Cyprus (Nicosia District) with around 1,600 population. Ergates is also known as: Argataes (mediaeval times), Argatœs, Argátaes, Argatoes, Argates, and Argadez.

More information about Ergates, Cyprus can be found at

Ergates faber, the insect

A beetle, 23-60 mm in length. Southern palaearctic species. Found only in Western Hungary and in the ancient pine forests near Fenyofo. Rare. Typically found in old pine and spruce forests. Larvae develop in tree stumps and fallen logs, mainly of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris. The adults are active around sunset and can be found from late July until late August.

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