A relationship is a way in which things are connected. A soft link is a relationship, as is an http connection, as is my communication to you right now. Some relationships seem more important than others at times, but importance can change and is neither constant nor absolute. Living life is like trying to figure out an analogy (such as this one). You try to think of different ways in which the things in the analogy are connected, and map parts of them to each other. While you think, different common aspects of the things seem more or less important. You live your life and meet and grow closer to or farther from numerous people. Eventually you find some configuration that makes the analogy make sense. But then you need to extend the analogy to something else, and completely different mappings become important. One mapping is the way my friend and I would both love to lie down next to each other with some Chai and read poetry. That one could be important for a long time.