This is something that I should have done a long time ago:

I loved the way you used to crinkle your nose at me, my little rhino. I loved that I had a car and you didn't so I could be your taxi driver for free. I loved that we spent most of our time together at night, so I could spend the whole day thinking about you. I loved that you graduated from high school because of me.

I hated that I lost all of my friends because of what we did. I hated that you were still in love with my best friend. I hated that we had to act like we weren't together. I hated that our whole relationship felt like pretend.

I loved how you taught me how to kiss, and all those other things. I loved that we would never really watch any of those movies we tried to see. I loved that we would only go to Taco Bell at 3 in the morning. I loved that you stole your grandma's car to see me.

I hated that you never came to see me once when I had mono. I hated that as soon as school started and your friends took you back, you broke up with me. I hated that I was in love with you. I hated that you were never in love with me.