Everything Day Logs
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It was a boring day. I've been drowsy for the last four hours, but can't wind down enough to sleep right now. I'm glad it was a boring, uneventful day - there are worse options, after all. I'm glad my bid for sleep is being interrupted by a rendition of Lou Reed's "Rock and Roll", a version that I don't seem to recognize (it turns out to be a Velvets demo for Loaded); I'm "dancin' to the rock/roll station", just like a character in the song. I'm glad the voice on the phone amazes me, so full of addictive down-home sweetness and un(self)conscious wonders. I'm glad I'm here, at the right place, at the right time, even if snafus (snafi?) landed me in these here coordinates of time and space. I'm glad. 'Tis far better to be a grinning heap of hope in Podunk, smelling home cooking in the distance, than to be a fair-to-middlin' clown in Uxbridge, poring over the op-eds at his regular table at McD's. Or something.

Did You Know? Grape juice is used to make Cranberry Juice Cocktail look like the color of cranberry juice.