For the past several years, my significant other has done all the cooking. This has never bothered me, in fact I've been quite willing to be pampered. My few cooking experiences have all been bad. Not that I didn't enjoy cooking, it's that nobody (even me) liked what I would cook.

Recently, I took a large paycut, and found that the man's usual mealplan of high quality cuts of steak grilled with miscellaneous vegetables was quite expensive. In addition, it was not so great for my waistline.

I have been learning to cook, meal-by-meal. I'm not focusing on the nutrition so much as the money-saving aspect of not cooking prime rib every day. However, I have lost weight since taking over the cooking duties, so it would seem to be working on both fronts.

Here is one of my recent "keepers". Enjoy.

  1. Open a bottle of red wine and pour a glass. Set aside two tablespoons. Drink the rest of the glass.
  2. In a marinating dish, mix together the soy sauce, red wine, ginger, and pepper.
  3. Marinate the fish for 15 minutes - 1 hour in the refrigerator, turning the fish occasionally so that all sides get dunked.
  4. Cook the fish on the grill to desired doneness, which will depend on the thickness of the cut.
It's delish!