Cast of Thousands was my very first novel for National Novel-Writing Month. It's a coming-of-age story about a girl growing up in sunny Davis, California with two moms, one gassy cat, and a growing sense that she is different - but is she just different from her younger self, or from all her peers?

Core Cast of Characters

Jessica: Twelve years old, running around with long hair flying and often-skinned knees bared. An aspiring zine author who once wanted to be a goldfish when she grew up.


Mom: Jessica's "one mom," Joyce - a practical and relaxed woman who has the comfortable habit of never worrying about trivialties like grape juice stains on the carpet. Refinishes and builds "fancy furniture."


Moms: Jessica's other mom, and a cascade of characters herself:


    Dorian: One of the Moms, a laid-back and funny woman.

    Gail: Jess' practical and loving older sister.

    Jack: Jess' uncle, an affable and welcoming man who taught her how to ride a bike.

    Kelly: Another mom, involved with Jess' Girl Scout Troop. A bit of a worrier.

    Kitten: Jess' bouncy, sparkly little sister and best friend, at least when she was younger.

    Tommy: A shy but friendly four year old who loves firetrucks...


... among others.


Chapters, For Your Delectation:

  1. My Family
  2. Chocolate Chip Pancakes
  3. O.K. Corral
  4. Count Fartula
  5. Davis Bookstore Reviews
  6. Permission Slip
  7. A Tree Grows In Davis
  8. Thou
  9. Cattle Prod
  10. Prima Donna
  11. Strega Nona
  12. Multiple Personality Disorder From the Inside Out
  13. The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls Making a Zine
  14. Rainbow City
  15. Personal Zine
  16. The Secret Lives of Girls
  17. Whipped Cream and Other Delights
  18. Jingle Bells
  19. Free Writing
  20. Corrections and Clarifications
  21. Gym Teacher
  22. Thirteen
  23. The Journal Entries
  24. The World According to Spider-Man
  25. Wig Out
  26. Non-Traditional Coming Out
  27. Cal Worthington
  28. Two things not to say in Nepali
  29. Ploughman's Lunch
  30. Personal Fitness Merit Badge
  31. Schooled
  32. Political Correctness Is Gay
  33. Chocolate Oblivion Truffle Torte
  34. Who Am I?
  35. Greek Chorus
  36. Multiple Irrealities
  37. An American Family
  38. All Families Are Psychotic
  39. Rainbow Family
  40. At the Poetry Reading
  41. How To Bind your Own Book
  42. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
  43. The Uncertainty Principle and MPD
  44. Ask Missy Knowitall
  45. Coming of Age
  46. Brain Storm
  47. Dinner With the Parents
  48. About Being Different
  49. Multiple Choice
  50. Reinvent The Wheel