Still packing. The move is Saturday. My daughter wanted to help me by scribbling on all the boxes. At one point I needed the marker myself and lost my patience. The SO and I had warm words about my reaction and his reaction to my reaction, and right after an old friend called who is living in the house we're moving into. Even at the best of times, listening to him is like pulling teeth - he talks so damn slowly and you can't guess where's he's going. I got off the phone as soon as possible. After that, the evening actually went very well. I guess he served as a lightning rod, the poor dear.

Got up super early this morning so I could go shower at a friend's before work - actually at an empty house, which was very weird considering that all the world was dark and a heavy fog had invested the landscape. The reason for this unusual act is that the man-who-tests-the-water had dosed our well with chlorine (to kill the animolecules). Now the water is back on the job.

At work I'm tracking down a bug in the code I wrote yesterday morning. It dumps core; no debugger available; I am narrowing down my search for the killer...