White Castle burgers are about 3 inches on a side, and are cooked by being placed in a steamer, over onions. The onions and meat (it's actually a thin slice of pressed ground beef with holes so it looks like the 5 face of a die) are then placed on a white bread, square bun. They're very cheap (still around 60 cents or so) but that's only because you eat many for a meal.

I only ever ate them when I was a counselor at a summer program, and we would do White Castle runs (double meaning intended) and get sacks of them, eating nine or ten at a sitting, after the kids were in bed, while drinking beer.

They're really good with cheese, pickle and hot sauce.

Some people simply cannot eat them--they have a visceral reaction and can't keep them down. It's not likely because they're spoiled (White Castles are immaculate--they have to be, being all white tile and stainless steel, you'd see any speck of dirt,) but there's something about the steaming process that makes the meat unappetizing to some.

Most White Castles (in New Jersey anyway) are open 24 hours so you can get your fix anytime.