Normally, I would not node about the weather, but it is affecting so many people at this time that I consider it relevant. Still no power in my neck of the woods so we're back at my daughter's house. Last night temperatures dropped to freezing and we're expecting another storm to hit New Jersey on Tuesday or Wednesday, bringing rain or possibly snow.

Gas rationing is in effect, on an odd/even last number of your license plate basis, alternating days. You may also only purchase ten gallons per vehicle. I found it funny that those with vanity plates fall into the odd category. Many gas stations are closed. Those that are open have lines that stretch for hours and local or state police are on hand for drivers who are short tempered or those who think the rules don't apply to them. It's insanity. Road closures and/or traffic lights not working add to the sense of disorder.

Meanwhile, the gang just decided to watch Lord of the Rings and eat popcorn.

Earlier this morning, my mother attended Mass at the small chapel near my house. It was unheated and dark, so she was back in 30 minutes. Her comment, " Well, there were no hymns and no sermon and the priest was Spanish, but I got there."

The parking lot emptied then filled again, this time with large yellow power trucks from Alabama and two town police cars. After they got out of their trucks for marching orders, I took a photo with my dying cell phone of what looked like a prayer meeting, the chapel behind the men, a statue of Mary off to the right. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the same name as the church where my mother took a bus from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to say a novena on Monday nights during World War II.

I intended to send the photo to my son that stayed overnight at my daughter's. Turns out I sent the photo to my other son who was asleep in front of the woodstove in the next room.