I hope it isn't "just me", but I find getting a haircut very erotic. Its the whole tactile nature of the act.

First somebody hovers around you, clearly in your personal space. Bending your ears, touching your head. Then there is the cool steel of the buzzers, sharp little scissors, fragent gels. And all you have to do is sit there and be doted on.

My favorite part is the little vacuum they use to get all the little shards of hair whisked away. I feel that a slack look is creeping over my face, and part of me justs want to close my eyes and see what happens.

But it's not as if the hairpersons are particularly attractive, I had the hottest haircut I can remember from this old guy in portland. $5 haircuts. He really knew his clippers and vacuums though. yow. The fact that they were talking conservative christian old man talk to the old guys that hang out at this particular shop almost heightened it.

Then, when you are done, and they have shaved your neck or something, you get to feel it surrepticiously for the next few days. Or somebody else feels it for you.


Apoxybutt - I also cut my own hair. yes, three times a day. then I go down for a touchup and vacuum. long live pleasure!