Being objective affords one a certain amount of laditude when they really wish to make a statement. It is as simple as the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf; If you continuously write subjectively, people tend to take your writing less seriously. I always stand up and notice when religiously objective authors post something with a little fire in it because they probably wouldn't be voicing a strong opinion unless they really believed that it was something worth having strong opinons about.

Objectivity also tends to offer the reader more information so that they can make up their own mind rather than have it made up for them. Misleading the reader isn't really good or bad per se, but again--you are taken less seriously by people who read your work if they are constantly wary that you are trying to snow-job them.

Eventually, people become widely viewed as nothing more than a loud mouth if all they do is write heated subjectively oriented write-ups. This can render the author effectively impotent which is no help to anyone, least of all the author.