Although i personally agree with the overhead argument, it might be good to remark that cuves are not always ' the most attractive thing in the world' - one cannot deny that on women, for instance (and in my humble opinion unfortunately so), curves are often considered as fat and not a point of beauty at all.

Take models for instance. Most men tend to find their bodies very attractive. However these same women are predominantly almost free of curves and often own rather angular features, such as rather square shoulders - when in fact, the classical ideal that can be viewed in early painter's Venuses, displayed curved, sloping, small, 'feminine' shoulders.

Another point to show that modern tendency to see super-thin sanded-down female bodies is unnatural, is the fact that humans normally show a greater wariness of angular objects than of round-edged ones - this was proven by psychological tests showing, for instance, that rounder features produce more "oh how cute' reactions than angular ones - reactions to baby faces, for instances, and bunny faces, as compared to longer snouts of rats or aardvarks.

The curve in itself is a symbol of the feminine ideal - roundness, spirals, ovals - these are shapes which give an idea of birth and wombs. Angular features are a direct echo of the male ideal, due to the projectile nature of the penis, and the generally more square features of male bodies. One notices this metaphorical use in both the most ancient of tribal art cave paintings as well as the the most modern of sculptures, for instance in Pollock's "Man and Woman'. Above node has been destroyed.... but i am not removing the refernces since it will completely destroy the backbone of my verse.