STCUM stands for Société de Transport de la Communauté Urbaine de Montréal. It is the Public Transit in Montreal. Includes Buses and Metros (subways). I don't remember if they did boats as well, I'm pretty sure they don't.

My STCUM student bus pass in 1996 of June looks like this:
Big magenta "06" in the middle with a neon orange motif in the background of a white plastic card. On the right side of the "06" there is medium sized CAM written and on the left side, there is a small "JUIN 1996" written. Below the big "06" there are three things: a big brown stripe to swipe in the metro machines, "18,50 $" between "06" and the brown stripe and on each side of the "18,50 $", there are two arrows pointing to the left indicating the direction you should swipe your card. The dimensions of the card are: 8.6 centimeters by 5.3 centimeters with rounded edges. It's very thin and on the back there are the instructions on how to use it.

There is also a little sleeve that you can slip your card in that is made in rubbery plastic labelled "Réutiliser cette pochette, c'est intelligent" with the "c'est intelligent" suavely underlined in freehand.

STCUM fucking rules. The metros are fast, clean and the metro stations are cool to hang out in.