he derives your fear frailty,
and your valence falls
prey to killer
instinct and intimidation, baring naked
trepidation to be shimmering
wicked cowardice.

trimming coronas of
haggardly contempt
and spiteful residual, he
destroys everything
you ever held the nasty habit of
holding as love.

your weakness is his succulence
and he dines upon the wasted space
of lies that never come to fruition
in a universe bent on willing
your pain
to mean something.

his feast is sumptuous.
your grief is candy.

your fear is fuel
engorging the oil-fires of Iraq,
the bowels of Vesuvius,
the citrus-tang of Vietnam;

the ever-spending knowledge that you
are worthless, bereft of substance
and dancing to a song
guiding your steps on a floor
you are obligated to spend
all your days unaware.

you are reminiscence
carried in stars
eager to spread entropic
light, bearing truth
on short waves to deem you biological
backspace, the never-were.