Ecunnaunuxulgee is a word used by the Creek Native American tribe to refer to white European settlers in the state of Georgia during the early years of the American Republic. The term roughly translates as "people greedily grasping after the lands of the Red Man."

The Creek were one of the "five civilized tribes" who had heeded the call of figures such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson for the Native Americans to abandon hunting and gathering and take up the ways of the white man. The Creeks adopted private property, European-style farming, ownership of black chattel slaves, Christianity, and the English language. However, despite their thoroughgoing assimilation to Euroamerican values, the Americans still viewed them as racially inferior and coveted their land.

Even after a Supreme Court decision held that the Creeks owned their lands, the state of Georgia kept appropriating it anyway, in order to give it to whites. Finally the "Indian Problem" was "solved" when the Creeks and the other "civilized" tribes in the southeastern United States were forcibly relocated to the Oklahoma territory in the so-called "Trail of Tears."

In the end, the Ecunnaunuxulgee were exactly that.