Akira is one of the most common given names in Japan, and can be used for both men and women. Famous Akira's include filmaker Akira Kurosawa, composers Akira Miyoshi and Akira Ifukube, author Akira Yoshimura, pornstar Akira Fubuki, materials scientist Akira Sawaoka, cartoonist Akira Toriyama, and origami master Akira Yoshizawa.

Ridiculously, there are at least 188 known ways to write "Akira" using Japanese Kanji characters, each with a different meaning! Take your pick...

  1. 日明
  2. 明朗
  3. 阿岐良
  4. 清朗
  5. 彰一
  6. 亜喜良
  7. 野章
  8. 昭朗
  9. 英良
  10. 亜紀良
  11. 晃瑞
  12. 皓也
  13. 清明
  14. 曙彩
  15. 顕彰
  16. 明克
  17. 阿喜良
  18. 秋裸
  19. 耀
  20. 晃良
  21. 斉良
  22. 章良
  23. 明良
  24. 昭良
  25. 章等
  26. 徳明
  27. 信良
  28. 安喜良
  29. 晶宏
  30. 彰良
  31. 秋楽
  32. 秋良
  33. 明楽
  34. 審良
  35. 明樂
  36. 明等
  37. 晶良

Of course, one can also always use hiragana (あきら) or katakana (アキラ) as well!

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