i will not think bad thoughts. i will place my garbage in the proper receptacle. i will use only what is allotted me and no more. i will share what i can when i can.

i will not think bad thoughts.

this is what we do when there is nothing left for us to believe in. i will always speak well of others, especially if they do not deserve it. i will not think bad thoughts.

there is a presence of mind that comes only from learning all the things that cannot be learned or put into words. i will not think bad thoughts. I will let my mind be a clean slate from which all knowledge can be gleaned. or made into. or poured out as water on glass. i will not think bad thoughts.

there are no chickens left to roost. there are no roosts left to plunder. i will not think bad thoughts. everyone knows that this is somewhere and we are left with the uncomfortable feeling that this is nowhere.

we are traveling through the way stations and hoarding our jewels. i will not think.

bad thoughts are multiplying and they feed off of our inner lusts and angers and our refusals to play nice. there is only one winnable solution and an equilibrium if we cannot speak.

i will not speak.

there are thoughts we had when time was new that seem so different now that we turn away, ashamed, ashen, afraid of what we might have become if we had held onto our ideals instead of our deals. i will not think. there are no thoughts that cannot be turned against ourselves if we let them. there are no bad thoughts.

when i reach further, i can see now that i have not purged myself. i will share what i have and go without. my life is but a pebble. a grain of sand, hoping to reach the ocean and become one.

i will not think bad thoughts.

i will not give into bad thoughts.

i am bad thoughts.

i am.