Origins of Clan Malkavian?

One day, God wanted to test how His creations understood the world He created for them. At this time, Adam and Eve had copulated; Caine and Abel walked amongst the Earth. Hence, God spoke unto Caine and Abel. He charged the mortals with the quest of finding a sacrifice that would bring them closer to the world and universe He had created for them. Caine sacrificed a plant; Caine showed that the life-sustaining elements on Earth would bring him closer to the Earth. Abel instead offered a sacrifice of a goat's blood, claiming that those who can manipulate those life-sustaining elements would bring him far closer. Caine promptly sacrificed his brother, thus moving up the hierarchy of the manipulators of the Earth. God spoke unto Caine. He explained that the blood Caine spilled was the key to power and henceforth Caine would remain on the Earth, drinking the blood of man to sustain longevity and seeking to pass the gift of the blood onwards.

Thus, Caine became the first vampire. He sought throughout the world to find others to carry on his new lifestyle. Legend has it that he initially embraced successfully only 13; these 13 became the second generation elder vampires.

One day, Caine wanted to test how his kindred understood the power with which he had endowed them. He called upon these 13 and charged them with a quest of finding a sacrifice that best exemplified their new standings on the Earth. Some sacrificed plants and animals to prove their individuality and also to honor Caine and Abel. One girl sacrificed her beauty to Caine. Another sacrificed her visible presence to live a life in the shadows. However, soon the turn came to Malkav; Malkav had no idea in his mind of what to offer, so he gave up his mind instead. Malkav sacrificed his mind to become closer to the Earth through a third eye of insanity, a clairvoyant view in the broken mirror of his psyche. Henceforth, all kindred of the Malkavian are blessed with some dementia, thus bringing them closer to the true understanding of the world.