Isn't it wonderful!?!?!?!?!?

Last night as I realized what a ridiculously large amount of work I have to do if I'm going to eek out any kind of a decent grade for most of my classes this semester, I was very seriously contemplating the fact that maybe I should quit E2 for a while. But then I realized the most important part of how my schedule has changed this semester from last ...

Instead of watching TV, I node!!!!

Isn't it wonderful?

Back in the day, whenever I needed a break from work, I plopped myself down in front of the idiot box and languished in my own boredom. With the exception of a little news or MTV to keep me awake through breakfast, I haven't watched the damn thing once since I started noding. So instead of forgetting my problems and letting my mind turn to sop to dull the pain, I actually have to think through the things that are bothering me enough to write about them. I have to work to understand something well enough to explain it to others if I want to put up a factual writeup. I have to think in poetry to keep myself entertained!!! Even better yet, I read little snippets of real people's lives and learn all kinds of things about the random stuff other people feel like noding instead of vicariously living through the useless, constructed nonsense that sitcom characters pretend makes up their lives.

(Ok, so maybe I should still cut down on noding if I want to pass my classes, but at least I know now that I would have been wasting this much time on much more useless crap if I weren't spending it here. Woohoo!!!)