This really pertains to last night (Friday), but I was nowhere near a computer at the time...

This was the second week of our performance of Measure for Measure at Loyola, and of course, after a Friday performance, what better thing to do than have a cast party! Yes, a bunch of drunken college students gathered around shaking their asses and having massive emotional traumas. First up on the menu-- Dave. Dave is sexy... Dave is the world's nicest guy... Dave is everything I want in a man, but can't have, because he has a girlfriend. Now, his girlfriend lives in London, but guess who just happens to show up this weekend to see his acting debut? And guess who he just has to bring to the CAST party? Of course, she's perfect. She's gorgeous, retro, eclectic, and perfect. I was doing quite fine until I went to have a cigarette by the window, and he sauntered up, gave me that adorable little Dave look, put his hand on my shoulder and said-- "Tiffany, I'd really like you to meet my girlfriend!" Fake smile, fake confidence, "It's sooo nice to finally meet you! We've all heard so much about you!" Excuse myself, drag Kathy to the bathroom hallway, and lose it. She calmed me down, gave me lots of good advice, and told me that all I could do was be patient and settle for a friendship in the meantime. As we're talking, who should saunter up behind us to wait in line for the bathroom? Dave, of course. He asks me what's wrong, and I tell him I'm in love with a guy who has a girlfriend.... so he proceeds to give me nothing but kind words and advice and comfort... about himself! If only he knew. After he left, a few more of my female friends come up to talk to me-- second trauma of the night.

Kathy tells me that she really admires me, and that she knows that I just need to find myself. This brings out the whole pregnancy/abortion thing (I'm an open person, I really don't mind people knowing my darkest doings), which leads to other girls opening up about bad things that have happened to them. Suddenly, another female member of the cast turns to the rest of us, eyes shining, and says, "You guys, my father tried to rape me twice in my senior year of high school"-- and then she was on the floor sobbing hysterically, the rest of us trying to do all we could to cheer her up. 45 minutes later, we finally calmed her down (yeah, this girl can do some serious crying... she puts me to shame), and then did some extreme girl bonding. Despite the mishaps, it ended on a good note, and by then, I didn't even care if Dave had a girlfriend, because it was such a trivial thing.

We all have more problems than we let on... and when we finally do, they all come out, for better or for worse... but as long as we always remember our inner strength, we will be better people in the end. Aww, I just want to give everyone in the world a hug right now!