Accelerated C++
Andrew Koenig & Barbara E. Moo
(yes, moo)
ISBN: 0-201-70353-X

I've never really bought the claim that you can't learn C++ without first learning C, and this book proves it. As our esteemed C++ guru ariels once said, "it teaches the language like there never was C." From the very beginning you know the authors have been around the language so long it has imprinted itself into their neural pathways, like all good programmers, right down to the numbering of the chapters from 0.

Now this is not just any old programming book (although chapter 0 begins with the obligatory Hello world) - rather than starting with the very basics of the language and moving on to the advanced stuff and STL later, it dives right into explaining every aspect of the "Hello world" source, including operators, operands, operator association, types, manipulators, streams, scope, namespaces and the standard library. While most books introducing C++ will explain the core language first before moving onto the standard library and its containers, iterators, algorithms and so on, this takes the language as a whole and starts from there. Some have complained that it doesn't lend itself to beginner programmers for this reason, but I found that as long as you're willing to actually concentrate (which sometimes involves re-reading a section), it builds more of a foundation for the advanced features of the language later on.

The good thing about this book is that it starts off assuming no knowledge of the C++ language and goes on to explain not only what you can do with it and the standard library, but also why it works that way. It teaches the reader good programming practices and habits, and when/how to figure out for yourself what to do (eg. pass by value vs. pass by reference), in effect teaching how to program in any language. It makes an excellent and concise introduction to C++ programming which can then be built upon with a book such as Teach Yourself C++ by Al Stevens, a very in-depth book exploring pretty much all the fundamental language features in a more systematic manner (which also makes it a handy reference), or probably Bjarne Stroustrup's classic The C++ Programming Language, but I don't actually have that book (hangs head).

To get an idea of what Accelerated C++ covers, I stole this chapter list from the website at

Chapter 0 Getting started

      0.2 #include
      0.3 The main function
      0.4 Curly braces
      0.5 Using the standard library for output
      0.6 The return statement
      0.7 A slightly deeper look
      0.8 Details 

Chapter 1 Working with strings

      1.1 Input
      1.2 Framing a name
      1.3 Details 

Chapter 2 Looping and counting

      2.1 The problem
      2.2 Overall structure
      2.3 Writing an unknown number of rows
      2.4 Writing a row
      2.5 The complete framing program
      2.6 Counting
      2.7 Details 

Chapter 3 Working with batches of data

      3.1 Computing student grades
      3.2 Using medians instead of averages
      3.3 Details 

Chapter 4 Organizing programs and data

      4.1 Organizing computations
      4.2 Organizing data
      4.3 Putting it all together
      4.4 Partitioning the grading program
      4.5 The revised grading program
      4.6 Details 

Chapter 5 Using sequential containers and analyzing strings

      5.1 Separating students into categories
      5.2 Iterators
      5.3 Using iterators instead of indices
      5.4 Rethinking our data structure for better performance
      5.5 The list type
      5.6 Taking strings apart
      5.7 Testing our split function
      5.8 Putting strings together
      5.9 Details 

Chapter 6 Using library algorithms

      6.1 Analyzing strings
      6.2 Comparing grading schemes
      6.3 Classifying students, revisited
      6.4 Algorithms, containers, and iterators
      6.5 Details 

Chapter 7 Using associative containers

      7.1 Containers that support efficient look-up
      7.2 Counting words
      7.3 Generating a cross-reference table
      7.4 Generating sentences
      7.5 A note on performance
      7.6 Details 

Chapter 8 Writing generic functions

      8.1 What is a generic function?
      8.2 Data-structure independence
      8.3 Input and output iterators
      8.4 Using iterators for flexibility
      8.5 Details 

Chapter 9 Defining new types

      9.1 Student_info revisited
      9.2 Class types
      9.3 Protection
      9.4 The Student_info class
      9.5 Constructors
      9.6 Using the Student_info class
      9.7 Details 

Chapter 10 Managing memory and low-level data structures

      10.1 Pointers and arrays
      10.2 String literals revisited
      10.3 Initializing arrays of character pointers
      10.4 Arguments to main
      10.5 Reading and writing files
      10.6 Three kinds of memory management
      10.7 Details 

Chapter 11 Defining abstract data types

      11.1 The Vec class
      11.2 Implementing the Vec class
      11.3 Copy control
      11.4 Dynamic Vecs
      11.5 Flexible memory management
      11.6 Details 

Chapter 12 Making class objects act like values

      12.1 A simple string class
      12.2 Automatic conversions
      12.3 Str operations
      12.4 Some conversions are hazardous
      12.5 Conversion operators
      12.6 Conversions and memory management
      12.7 Details 

Chapter 13 Using inheritance and dynamic binding

      13.1 Inheritance
      13.2 Polymorphism and virtual functions
      13.3 Using inheritance to solve our problem
      13.4 A simple handle class
      13.5 Using the handle class
      13.6 Subtleties
      13.7 Details 

Chapter 14 Managing memory (almost) automatically

      14.1 Handles that copy their objects
      14.2 Reference-counted handles
      14.3 Handles that let you decide when to share data
      14.4 An improvement on controllable handles
      14.5 Details 

Chapter 15 Revisiting character pictures

      15.1 Design
      15.2 Implementation
      15.3 Details 

Chapter 16 Where do we go from here?

      16.1 Use the abstractions you have
      16.2 Learn more 

Appendix A Language details

      A.1 Declarations
      A.2 Types
      A.3 Expressions
      A.4 Statements 

Appendix B Library summary

      B.1 Input-output
      B.2 Containers and iterators
      B.3 Algorithms 

The appencies come in handy as they cover parts of the language taught by the rest of the book in more detail. All in all, highly recommended.