As a concept and not the movie, it is a goddamn bastion of liberty and autonomy, though on one hand, who really gives a Stalin's nipple if another peon of the cubicle population sits in your Steelcase chair and uses your station? It's insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but they touch your stuff (germs), occasionally take it upon themselves to move your stuff ($&%*#$!), and hell, why not break stuff, too, or at least screw up proxy configs?

This is my rule: If you sit in my cubicle and change *anything*, I will go Old Testament on your ass, albeit in a less dramatic way. One of the managers sat here for a day, and he took down the figures from my monitor, left coffee rings on the desk, and moved my papers (though I really hate someone touching the keyboard, etc). He's a putz anyway, so I went to his own veal-fattening pen and wreaked minor havoc in a "what's wrong with this picture" way. Until I get a corner office, I want to enclose this area with copper mesh and set up a kerberos-like robot sewer rat that I can control from my laptop. No, it's not "mine," but it is still eye for an eye until I leave this bloated, inefficient, despotic company.