Error Message
%DLSWC-3-BADCLSI: [chars] primitive not valid for dlsw [chars] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSICNF: [chars] Invalid confirm [chars] [chars

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSIDATALEN: Bad data len = [dec] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSIHDRLEN: [chars] Bad header len = [hex] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSIIDTYPE: [chars] Invalid ID type = [hex] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSIIND: [chars] Invalid indication [chars] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSIPRIMTYPE: [chars] Invalid primitive type = [hex] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSIRET: [chars] Invalid ret code [hex] [chars] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADCLSISAP: [chars] Bad clsi SAP id = [hex] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADDLCOP: dlsw_action, bad dlc event [dec] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-BADPEEROP: bad peer op in peer_to_core - [dec]

%DLSWC-3-BADSSPEVENT: dlsw_action, bad ssp event [dec] [chars]

Explanation A data-link switching system error occurred.

Recommended Action Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-BADSSPHDR: bad ssp hdr in proc ssp - [chars] = [hex]

Explanation A Silicon Switch Processor (SSP) header received from the remote peer contains errors in one of the fields.

Recommended Action If the remote peer is a nonCisco router, confirm that it supports the DLSw RFC 1795 standard.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-BADSSPOP: bad ssp op in proc ssp [dec]

Explanation A Silicon Switch Processor (SSP) frame with an invalid command was received from the remote peer.

Recommended Action If the remote peer is a nonCisco router, confirm that it supports DLSw RFC 1795 standard.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-BADTIMEROP: dlsw_action, bad timer event [dec] [chars]

Explanation A data-link switching system error occurred.

Recommended Action Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-FAILASSERT: Assertion failed: [chars]

Explanation An internal software inconsistency occurred. The router continues to operate.

Recommended Action If this continues to recur, record the entire message and note any DLSw+ problems that you experience. Provide this information to your technical support representative.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-FORKFAIL: Can't fork : [chars] process);

Explanation DLSw process cannot run.

Recommended Action Reduce other system activity to ease memory demands. If conditions warrant, upgrade to a larger memory. If this message recurs, copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative.

Error Message

Explanation Indicates frames sent by DLSw on LAN or WAN side. This is good, expected behavior.

Recommended Action Informational message only. No action required.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-FSMCALL: [chars] state [chars] , event: [chars] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-FSMERR: fsm error [chars] [chars] [chars] event: [chars] [chars]

%DLSWC-3-FSMINTERR: fsm internal error - [chars]

%DLSWC-3-FSMUNKERR: [chars] [dec] : [chars] [chars] event:[chars] [chars] input: [dec] [dec] states: [dec] [dec]

%DLSWC-3-INVALIDSTATE: finite state machine in invalid state

%DLSWC-3-INVALIDTIMER: bad timer pop for [chars], new state [chars]

%DLSWC-3-NOBUFF: No buffer

%DLSWC-3-NODLSW: no dlsw, [chars]

Explanation A data-link switching system error occurred.

Recommended Action Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-NOMEMBACK: No memory to create circuit entries - background

Explanation DLSw+ could not start a new circuit because of a low memory condition.

Recommended Action Reduce other system activity to ease memory demands. If conditions warrant, upgrade to a larger memory configuration.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-NOMEMDLC: No memory to create circuit entry - from dlc

%DLSWC-3-NOMEMSSP: No memory to create circuit entry - from ssp

Explanation A data-link switching system error occurred.

Recommended Action Copy the error message exactly as it appears, and report it to your technical support representative.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-NOPARAM: dlsw_action, null param blk

%DLSWC-3-NOPEER: no peer, [chars]

Explanation A data-link switching system error occurred.

Recommended Action If this message recurs, copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-RECVSSP: SSP OP = [dec] [chars]) [chars] from [chars]

Explanation A Silicon Switch Program (SSP) frame was received from the remote peer.

Recommended Action Informational message only. No action required.

Error Message
%DLSWC-3-SENDSSP: SSP OP = [dec] ([chars]) [chars]to [chars] [chars]

Explanation A Silicon Switch Program (SSP) frame was sent to the remote peer.

Recommended Action Informational message only. No action required.

Error Message
%DLSWP-3-PBADVALUE: DLSw: [chars]: invalid [chars] [dec]

Explanation A bad parameter value was passed to function chars1--invalid parameter chars2 with value. This error should not cause any network problems unless it happens repeatedly.

Recommended Action Copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative as a case problem.

Error Message
%DLSWP-3-PCAPMISMATCH: DLSw: [chars]: [chars]

Explanation Priority keyword was used on one router but not on the other. The priority keyword is an option on the DLSW remote peer definition. If priority keyword is used one router, it must be used on the other.

Recommended Action If you wish to use prioritization, use it on both routers.

Error Message
%DLSWP-3-PGENERAL: DLSw: [chars] [chars]

Explanation A general error condition was detected as described in the message text. This error should not cause any network problems unless it happens repeatedly.

Recommended Action Copy the error message exactly as it appears and report it to your technical support representative as a case problem.

Error Message
%DLSWP-3-PNOMEM: DLSw: No memory to [chars]

Explanation The router ran out of system memory for operation, as described in the message text. Most likely, the router image requires more system memory (RAM) than the router contains.

Recommended Action Consult with your technical support representative about memory requirements for a specific image.

Error Message
%DLSWP-3-PPASSIVE: DLSw: passive open failed from [inet]([dec]) -> [dec]

Explanation The system does not have enough main memory (RAM) for TCP to allocate the data structures required to accept an incoming TCP connection. Most likely, the router image requires more system memory (RAM) than the router contains.

Recommended Action Consult with your technical support representative about memory requirements for a specific image.

Error Message
%DLSWP-3-PPRIMISMATCH: DLSw: [chars]: [chars]

Explanation The priority option on the specified partner's remote peer definition does not match the priority option defined on the local remote peer definition. This is a configuration error.

Recommended Action Check each remote peer statement and make sure use of the priority option is consistent on both peers.