The tyrannical, hypohemic, old, and preposterously wealthy owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, where Homer Simpson is employed.

miscellaneous facts and trivia: He once tried to court Homer's wife Marge, and marry Marge's mother. Fires any employee whose family members don't enjoy themselves at the company picnic (he also held a survival retreat for his employees). Got Homer accepted to Springfield University. His blood type is double-0 negative and his favorite lunch is a pillow of shredded wheat, steamed toast, and a dodo egg. A member of The Stonecutters. He made a propaganda film about himself called A Burns for All Seasons. His bathroom has a telephone, a magazine rack, and a bidet - but no toilet paper. The logo for Burns Worldwide is a family holding hands around a mushroom cloud. He nearly drowned in the bath once from a weight of a sponge that was placed atop his head. A sign outside Burns Manor reads Poachers will be shot. Ran against incumbent Mary Bailey for Governor (the state isn't mentioned), but lost when he spat out part of a radioactive fish from his own plant. Lost childhood teddy bear was named Bobo.

best quotes (IMO)

"I'm going to be sore tomorrow."
After a photo shoot where he's forced to smile

"I'll kill you, you bloated museum of treachery."

On Homer's weight loss: "Why, good man, you're the fattest thing I've ever seen, and I've been on safari."

"Oh goody, the sea monkeys I ordered have arrived. Look at them cavort and caper."