Keats, like most of his contemporaries, knew Homer only through the translations of Alexander Pope. Much Elizabethan literature had not been reprinted, and was therefore hard to come by. Cowden Clake, a friend and former tutor, had managed to borrow a 1616 folio of George Chapman's translation of Homer through Leigh Hunt. Keats and Clarke pored over the calf-skin folio until dawn, rereading favorite passages, amazed at how Chapman's translation brought the stories to new life.

When Keats got home, he wrote this sonnet, and then sent a copy by messenger to Clarke, who found it on his table when he came down to breakfast a few hours later.

Incidently, none of Keats' contemporaries noticed the historical error. Alfred Lord Tennyson was the first to point out that it was Balboa, and not Cortez, who was the first European to discover the Pacific Ocean.