This is a book for young readers by Judy Blume. It deals with a young pre-teen Karen, and how she copes with her parents separation/divorce. The typical events happen. She lashes out at her siblings, feels misunderstood and betrayed. She tries to think of a way to force her parents to work things out.

This is one of the first contemporary young reader book to deal with a "first-hand account" of living in a family that was going through a divorce.

Originally released in 1980, it has been re-printed many times, and is still readily available. Like most Judy Blume books, this is a timeless story of adolescence.

I remember when I was 7 or 8, my mother buying this book for me. It was my first Judy Blume book. I don't know why she felt I needed this, since my parents divorced when I was like 3. By then I was pretty adjusted with the whole thing. It did hook me to Judy Blume books though, even as an adult I read her novel "Summer Sisters."