Sitting on the playground trying to find some good in anything, trying my damnedest to enjoy a little part of the kids laughing and the branches stratifying the clear sky. Then I find out they will be taking my picture today.
But I had to have my picture taken yesterday, I think.
Heather is going around with a camera. It's only 4:00.
there is no way I can avoid being photographed, or crying, for two hours. - somehow, miraculously, I escape both.

In the park, two geese fly in circles over the pond. Is one chasing the other or just following its lead? Their bodies are sleek as bottles of wine. Two ducks struggle their way through the sludge in the ridiculous square corner of the glaringly manmade lake. I worry and fantasize about dragging them a path through the muck with a rake or something. Both ducks stop to eat something in the black gook, so I guess they're ok.

Something strange. Everyone - everyone I pass in the park gives me a kind smile. Several say "hello" out loud. This never happens.

man with a handsome gray beard.
man on a bike.
man reading in the park.
man racing his son.

I listen to more On the Road on audiobook and it fills me with enthusiasm but also makes me very tired. I go home and agree to babysit a kid I don't want to babysit and fall asleep at 8 pm and don't wake up till 7 in the morning.