Today I slept in, took a long nap after I put clean sheets on my bed, and woke up feeling slightly drunk and hungover even though I was sober. Yesterday we found out that Jane has pneumonia so that meant a trip to the hospital, another to the pharmacy, I bought grape Popsicles for her at her request, her pediatrician said not to worry about her lack of appetitie, and that fluids were more important than solids so I stocked up on juice, and bought her a burger at the hospital cafeteria since that's what she wanted. I picked up a small bottle of a Respiratory Cough essential oil blend. I really like the way that it smells, the girls complain about it, but they both stood in the bathroom with the shower running and a few drops in the pooling water.

This summer I switched to a pediatrician in town. I'm going to switch back to the one we had previously, just because I feel like she understands me better. She said she would have seen Jane on Thursday, a NP was on call so we saw her instead. I don't think she did a bad job, but I did suspect pneumonia then, and I wonder if maybe it would have been caught earlier had someone else evaluated Jane. Perhaps not though. It's hard to tell, and I'm not going to stress myself out by second guessing what could have happened. So I'm going to keep this brief because I'm still very tired. A lot of new changes, most of them for the better, and I can't keep worrying about the future, I have to enjoy the hear and now, and take good care of myself so I can take better care of others, like Jane.