...than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew (19:24). This is probably Jesus's trippiest analogy in the Bible. It was definitely said, as at least three Biblical authors heard it. There are two explainations given by theologists for such a seemingly whacked statement.

First off, there was a city gate in the walls of Jerusalem known as "The Eye of the Needle". Presumably, it was very difficult for a man riding a camel to squeeze through the narrow opening. There are two accounts of this, one being where the camel had to go through on his knees, or the camel had to go through unburdened. Either way, it was difficult.

The other explaination was that it was simply a very weird translation error. The Greek (the language of the original bible work) word for camel is kamelos. The (at the time new) Greek word for cable was kamilos. Kamilos was typically used to mean a sailor's rope. The pronounciation at the time would have been nearly identical, as around that time, that word was to be changed to the more modern Greek pronounciation. The translators may have shrugged it off as a writing error, or it may have been misconstrued by the re-telling of the stories.

Either way, it is hard to tell what Jesus's original meaning was. Contemporary religious scholars (including my not-so-scholarly self) consider it to be the mistranslation, and that while it is not impossible (as the mistranslation seems) for the rich to get into heaven, it is assumed that Jesus meant to say it is difficult, with much more perserverance needed, as it would be to get a cable through the eye of a needle.