He came out of the Canadian underground Zen scene.

What can I possibly say?

Sometimes sad music is the only music you can bear. The music that asks the unanswerable questions.

is my passion perfect?

Put the music on when you can't bear anything but the buzzing in your head, and you need a new set of thoughts to empty your own. If your heart is too full, empty it.

are my lessons done?

Between the questions are the answers you didn't ask for.

And where do all these highways go, now that we are free?

He's living in seclusion now, he won't hear you. He's moved to California. You can drive wild but won't get any word. Go back to your room. Turn down the lights. Listen again.

Myself I long for love and light,
but must it come so cruel, and oh so bright?

oh, and, uh, chicks dig him.

This was the result of a nodeshell challenge by so-and-so