Most people find it easy to deride and spit on a company like Phillip Morris, but they only do that because it's easy. The reality of the situation is that the people of Phillip Morris are working to make a difference.

Oh, I can see you spewing FUD about Phillip Morris being a huge, ruthless mutli-national corporation. Let me assuage that notion right now; Phillip Morris is no more a multi-national corporation then your Neighborhood Bakery. And just how willing is your bakery to help the misfortuned among us? Just between you and me, not very.

Phillip Morris, however, relishes in the opportunity to pick these poor castaways up from the rot they've been cast into. They are out, every-day, keeping children from smoking. They video tape it, too! It's legit! I wouldn'tve believed it myself, but then the kids got on camera and talked about why they don't smoke! It was incredible! I was beside myself... they must've gone to some trouble to keep those OTHER bloodthirsty cigarette companies off of 'em. You think those kids don't listen.... they do. They know smoking isn't "HIP"... like alcohol, it's to be enjoyed when your of age. But that isn't all....

While the executives are all out rescuing ghetto kids from themselves, there are these lonely women!! These poor wretched creatures... thrown away by a society that worships youth. Well Phillip Morris ain't gonna let that happen!!!!!! They send guys out with food and spirit. This one guy.... my god... they sent a camera crew with him. He SANG old Italian love songs to her! She was ecstatic! He was too! My GOD it was outstanding! This poor wretch gave him a beaming smile... her meaningless existence totally forgotten.

And don't get me started about starvation! Phillip Morris is all over that one. No kids gonna go hungry while Phillip Morris is on watch, thats for DAMN sure.

I don't know about you, but I've got my checkbook out right now... and a hearty hand-shake ready!

Here's to YOU Phillip Morris!