I am the Antarctic nodermeet.

Today I learned triolets. I wrote one.


When I am gone I dream of you.
You drive away. My nightmare.
No matter how much else I have to do
when I am gone, I dream. Of you,
the heart finds bravery and love that's true
to chase away the woes and cares
when I am gone. I dream of you.
You drive away my nightmare.

I walk over to Hut Point, to Scott's Hut. Mitten between my teeth I touch the walls with bare fingers where I did the first time, years ago. The wood is soft and rippled along the grain. I imagine like I did the first time
That I can see the masted ships anchored just beyond
And McMurdo without a station.

We all do.

The music in my mind defeats the frigid winds
For now.
It really is pretty to me, a city only a couple of us can see.
Or care to.

It's easy to believe we were here before. Another life, another set of feet and eyes.
But maybe we weren't. Then we were all drawn here by something that comes in
Sleep. We see it in each other's eyes and words when we say
"I don't know why. I woke up one day

And somehow, here I am."

We leave echoes in this world. Sound and light people remember,
Footprints the earth will bear.
We have been invited to take part
In a planetary dance.
We cross these paths to make our mark,
And to admire what's been left behind by others.
So we must plan our footsteps well.
Everyone who'll ever be is watching.

And somehow here I am.
Pray God I always remember
And never dismiss with a flippant phrase,
Or view askance and jaded heart,
That today I crossed this land.
Today I woke up in antarctica.

McMurdo Station -- October 28th, 2005