A truly great man, Oliver Reed (1938-1999) was one of the finest actors Britain has ever produced. He came to promenance in the 1960s and 1970s for his work in Oliver! (where he played an extremely menacing Bill Sykes), Women in Love and The Devils. His final cinematic appearance was for Gladiator where he plays Proximo, and he died shortly before shooting was complete.

More importantly than all this though, was Reed's legendary love of alcohol. Although over sixty years of age, he passed away a few hours after challenging a group of marines to a drinking contest at his local bar in Malta (apparently he drunk them all under the table as well).

A few salient titbits from Olly's life (and IMO far more informative than any official biography):

A couple of nights ago in the pub I saw a bloke wearing a T-shirt. On the front was a picture of the great man himself, on the back, the simple slogan:

King of the Hellraisers
Lost in Action, May 3rd, 1999

"Lost in Action". I like that. Olly's memory will live on forever!