Dogboy is quite right in that there are a number of superb beers available in the USA: not just some top quality real lagers but darker beers too. The problem is that they are usually only available in America, or even confined to specific regions of America. To me as a Brit, the only American beers to be found in this country are usually big brand-names such as Budweiser, Coors, and Rolling Rock.

Seeing as many Brits take their beer nearly as seriously as the Germans and Belgians do, this provides a very poor impression of American beer. On a recent trip to the States I was overwhelmed to discover Samuel Adams -- without a doubt one of the best lagers I've ever tasted, and almost on a par with proper Czech lager. So my friendly suggestion to those Americans who enjoy "real" beer (and there seems to be an ever-growing number of you), is only ever buy the decent stuff, let the Bud rot on the shelves like the weak flavoured fizzy water it so much resembles, and maybe, just maybe the tastier beers will start to get better distribution.