Wrapv. computer geekspeak:

To "wrap" functions, or objects, or any code snippets from language A in (or to) language B, is to provide some sort of B-interface you can use when programming in B, and have the A-code run (compiled, interpreted, whatever) underneath. The image is that you've got a whole lot of stuff going on in A, but the "wrapping" makes it all look like a bit of B. Some programming languages have evolved this almost to the level of symbiosis; write your python application internals in C++ for efficiency, but wrap them, easily, by just writing on top the appropriate (C++) data structures that are the flesh of python. Then use them as any other python objects. The superficially similar syntax means you could be writing a similar statement (e.g. a method call to some class instance) in both languages, to do the same thing, with the same code.

With compiled languages, you can sometimes just have compiled code coexist, in separate, fully functional "unwrapped" object files. Fortrash and C manage this, somehow.