Thank you, love. Thank you for the past 16 months.

Thank you for making me feel safe, for erasing the hurts of the past. Thank you for making me happy, making my home a warm place to come back to, making my bed a place I can curl contentedly in your arms.

Thank you for caring for my kids, for giving them the positive male role model they've so badly needed. Thank you for the tears in my daughter's eyes when you gave her her very first (teeny tiny) diamond, for the way my son sometimes flies towards you to hug you when you come home. Thank you for your patience with them, and with me.

Thank you for all you've given up, for the lengths you've gone for us.

I didn't want this to happen, at first. I didn't want my and my children's happiness to depend on anyone else ever again. I was afraid.

I'm not afraid anymore.

Hurry home.

We love you.