(...and the Coming Hivemind)

It used to be that people would discuss laws, the laws would be made official, communicated to the people in some area, and then that jurisdiction would change.

Today, the internet is communicating information and solutions (both technical and social) at ever increasing speeds. In many places, the law is already trying to play catch-up to changing human behavior. As information and solutions are transmitted faster around the world, the law will start to change from a guide for behavior, to a record of what is already being done - the initial hope would be that at least somebody should write all this down, at least as instructions for posterity. Book writers too will be trying to document all the changes, but it will eventually be a losing battle. Before the book is even done, there would already be so many changes it would require a total rewrite. The same will happen to laws.

Perhaps "Hivemind" is a misnomer. It won't be like a bunch of human zombies brainwashed by the hive queen. It will be more like the flocking behavior of birds. Many semi-independent flocks, often occupying the same place. In the past, when two flocks had a conflict, they may settle down in preparation for either battle or debate. In the future, before the two opposing flocks even have time to settle down, a third flock would already be swooping in to implement a solution both original flocks would support. However, even before the third flock is done, a fourth and maybe even fifth flock would already be on their way, with even better solutions, leaving individuals within the original flocks reeling and wondering what is happening around them. Later flocks would simply tell them to plug in and read up on the latest - and before he even finishes reading, the work will already have been done, and the flocks would have moved on to something completely unrelated.

Many people will choose to bow out, and either just watch the proceedings or ignore them. The incoming flocks will tend to ignore them, and even before some can voice their opposition, others would have already foreseen their objection, and solved their problems before they could get angry.