Notes from the Surf

Visuals and music for different emotions.

RTS + time travel.

Snake on a Bus
Impressive artwork.

Body by Victoria
You can tell by the pixels.

The economic 'experts' who stopped making sense
"The public looked to the politicians; the politicians looked to the economists; the economists looked to their mathematical models. The upshot was the financial crisis."

Sociopathic Indoctrination? Secrets of the Economist's Trade
"economics majors were less likely to donate money to charity than students who majored in other fields. After majors in other fields took an introductory economics course, their propensity to give also fell... (When) students could get a higher payoff if they agreed to have their partner get less. Economics majors were more likely to go for the higher payoff"

Honduras coup protest photo presented as Iranian
"this practice reminds on the behaviour of German media in summer 2008, when the mainstream news (ZDF, RTL, Bild, N24) used images from Nepal and India to illustrate Chinese police violence in Tibet."

Why, again, Canadian PM seeks to suspend Parliament
"Parliament was suspended to stifle criticism of the government's policy of handing suspected Taliban and al Qaeda fighters captured in Afghanistan over to the Kabul regime, which has reportedly tortured detainees."

In the next decade, I hope to become more radical
"The downgrading of Greece's credit rating by three unaccountable private companies which follow neoliberal orthodoxy is leading to externally imposed austerity, serious deterioration of living conditions and social unrest. These were the companies giving Lehman Brothers a top rating just before its collapse."

UN Gives Nod to Worker Co-Ops
"the General Assembly declared 2012 the International Year of Cooperatives... Cooperatives have 800 million members across 100 countries and account for about 100 million jobs worldwide... The top 300 cooperatives generate as much as the 10th largest economy in the world with revenues of $1.1 trillion"